Is Dating Good or Bad for Your Health?
Though we all find dating a very pleasant experience, scientists went a bit further in exploring the topic and found out that relationships can actually boost your immunity and prolong your life span. If you already know how dating is good for your health, you can check our dating in NYC ideas and improve your health right away. For those who stay to read till the end, let’s first decide on what a healthy relationship actually is, and then we will go straight to the advantages.
What makes a healthy relationship?
Of course, every relationship is unique. But it is possible to define the ley traits common to all good relationships.
You have an emotional bond
A healthy relationship lets you feel loved. Even if your partner loves you, you still need to feel that this person understands your emotions and shows sympathy.
You are not afraid to speak out
Relationships always include moments of quarrels and misunderstanding. The thing is that some couples manage to settle things peacefully and others need to scream and shout. However, the biggest problem is avoiding conflicts altogether. Being silent in an attempt to hide your true pain and feelings is very dangerous for your soul and your bond as well. A sign of a healthy relationship is the ability of a couple to solve conflicts without humiliation and degradation.
You have your personal hobbies as well
Though your family life is important, it is also crucial to keep your own hobbies and interests. Maintaining your identity and connections to other people will only make your relationship stronger with time. This way, both partners evolve and keep learning from each other better all their lives.
Benefits of Relationships for Your Health

1. Your life gets longer
Scientists proved that being in a healthy relationship with a partner can increase your life expectancy. In particular, studies found that men who are married live longer than their single mates. Doctors say that the main reasons for that are a reduced level of stress, the need to give up on bad habits, and the incorporation of healthy habits in their daily lives. In the end, the desire to save a relationship makes a person more reasonable and attentive to personal health as well. However, this is true only for couples who support each other. Partners who received critical comments from their soul mates or felt a lack of support didn’t see any good health consequences of their marriage.
2. You get back to normal faster
Of course, support helps us recover faster. We all know that, but scientists even carried out a series of tests to prove this fact. They studied patients and found out those people who received support indeed were faster to recover. And it could be caused by support from a person or pet. Experts say that the reason for that is the decreasing level of cortisol, a stress hormone.
3. Your immunity gets stronger
Unfortunately, our lives are quite stressful. And the reaction of our body to stress is not always positive. Stress hormones can have a devastating effect on our health. You have probably witnessed it yourself when you had a cold after very stressful moments in your life. Well, the good news is that healthy relationships affect the level of stress hormones and improve our immune system performance.
Oxytocin that we develop while having a relaxing and peaceful time with our lovers helps us combat all the negative consequences of stress, anxiety, and depression.
4. You get more active
People who found it hard to go to the gym while being single often admit that having a partner is a very motivating factor to become active. We want to look sexy and attractive for our partners and that’s why get one more reason to follow healthy habits. Besides, positive results are also quickly supported with the compliments of our bae.
5. Your heart gets stronger
The hormones released when we love someone, dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, have a positive effect on how our heart works.
6. You feel less pain
Not only heroes can endure a lot of pain just by thinking about those who they love. Scientists proved that looking at the photos of your dear people or imagining them indeed can lessen the pain caused to individuals. And the idea is not just about distraction. Experts showed respondents photos of random nice people, but this fact couldn’t reduce the experimentally-induced pain.
So it looks like a stable and healthy relationship can become a real healer for your health. Don’t waste time and find someone to hug. There is probably no easier way to improve your health.